Scandal: Nestlé lobbying all the way to the top of government

Confidential documents obtained by Radio France and Le Monde reveal how Nestlé managed to obtain derogations to illegally filter its bottled water, despite health warnings and opposition from the Direction Générale de la Santé.

In an affair that has shaken the highest echelons of the French state, a vast lobbying operation led by food giant Nestlé enabled the company to circumvent regulations on natural mineral waters, despite proven health risks. Exchanges of e-mails, ministerial memos and inspection reports reveal a chain of political responsibility stretching right up to the highest levels of government.

Contamination concealed since 2021

It all began in August 2021, when Nestlé, concerned by a DGCCRF investigation, organized an initial meeting with the cabinet of Agnès Pannier-Runacher, then Minister of Industry. The company was using banned filters in its factories to treat water contaminated with fecal bacteria and other chemical pollutants.

Intensive lobbying of the highest authorities

The documents reveal successive meetings with advisors to Emmanuel Macron, Élisabeth Borne, Bruno Le Maire and other ministers. The Secretary General of the Élysée Palace, Alexis Kohler, himself received Nestlé representatives. The company steps up the pressure, notably by threatening to cut jobs.

Health authorities ignored

Despite repeated warnings from the French health authorities (Direction Générale de la Santé and Anses) about the health risks, particularly viral, and their recommendations to suspend the operation of the sources, the government gave in to Nestlé’s demands in February 2023. The company obtained authorization to use non-compliant filters, despite warnings from health experts.

A victory for lobbying at the expense of public health

The epilogue to this case illustrates the victory of industrial lobbying over public health considerations. Nestlé won its case to continue using its controversial filters, and its CEO, Muriel Lienau, was even promoted to President of Nestlé France in the process. Faced with these revelations, political leaders are now passing the buck, or claiming not to remember the details of the affair.
This affair highlights the mechanisms of influence that can be exerted at the highest levels of government, even when public health is at stake. It also raises questions about the transparency of decision-making processes and consumer protection in the face of corporate interests.


Brantford community leaders supporting hometown hockey legend Wayne Gretzky

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Mayor Kevin Davis and other community leaders are voicing their support for hometown hockey legend Wayne Gretzky.

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“I judge people on what they’ve done for our community not by their associations and Wayne and the entire Gretzky family have done a great deal for the City of Brantford,” Davis said Friday. “His contributions to the community and to Canada began years ago and continue to this day.

The Gretzky family has brought immense pride and greatness to Brantford, Davis said.

Gretzky has been widely criticized for supporting U.S. President Donald Trump by attending his inauguration in January. The Brantford born and raised hockey legend also attended an election victory party for the U.S. president and was reportedly seen wearing a Make America Great Again hat.

More criticism erupted when Gretzky served as Team Canada’s honorary captain at the Four Nations Face-off in February and wore a suit instead of Team Canada jersey for the opening face-off.

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Locally, Davis acknowledged that there are those who are upset with what happened at the Four Nations final and with Gretzky’s association with the U. S. president.

“They’re entitled to their opinions just like everyone else,” Davis said. “But I don’t think their views are at all representative of the city.

“The overwhelming majority of residents don’t support that view and those of us who have been involved with the Gretzky family over the years appreciate and respect what they’ve done for the community.”

Posts to community Facebook groups have been critical of Gretzky’s association with the U.S. president with some saying his name should be removed from a road and sports facility in Brantford.

The city has received 12 emails and 20 calls with feedback related to renaming the Wayne Gretzky Parkway and the Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre.

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A spokesperson for the city said decisions to rename current infrastructure is typically only reviewed under exceptional circumstances with significant public engagement considered to inform the process.

Brantford-Brant MP Larry Brock took to social media to support Gretzky.

“As someone who is deeply grateful for all Wayne Gretzky and the Gretzky family has done for Brantford, I am  proud of Wayne’s legacy as an outstanding ambassador for our community and our country,” Brock said. “He has displayed his Canadian pride on a global stage time and time again.

“As one of the most recognizable figures in the world of sports, Wayne’s impact extends far beyond the ice rink.”

Gretzky has an unwavering commitment to using his success to improve the lives of others through his charitable work, he said.

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“Brantford is truly fortunate to call him one of our own,” Brock said.

Premier Doug Ford came to Gretzky’s defence earlier this week.

“He is a patriot, he loves Canada,” Ford said Tuesday at a news conference where he announced a series of retaliatory measures against the U.S.

“He never gave up his Canadian passport. So folks, give the guy a break, just give him a break. He loves Canada. He loves it like no tomorrow.”

Brantford-Brant MPP Will Bouma posted the premier’s support for Gretzky on his social media page.

“His commitment to Canada and patriotism has been steadfast and I stand with Wayne,” Bouma said.

Bouma’s post generated 27 comments, some of which were supportive while others were critical. .

“Good for Mr. Ford for trying to help Wayne save face, but if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. Long live the Great White North!” Jason Gibson posted on Bouma’s social media page.

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Nicole Stevens-Durnford, in a post on Bouma’s social media page, said “please tell me what he’s (Wayne) done for Brantford.”

Davis was pleased to respond to that question.

The mayor began by citing the CNIB tennis tournament that brought numerous celebrities to Brantford and raised thousands of dollars for CNIB.

“Wayne continues to champion our community to this day,” Davis said. “A lot of what he’s done has been done in a quiet, humble way and much of it is supporting young people involved in sports – young people who might not otherwise have that opportunity.”

“He insists that it’s done quietly.”

Wayne and his family are major supporters of Special Olympics, Davis said.

The mayor said one of the reasons Graeme Roustan brought his hockey stick manufacturing facility to Brantford is the city’s affiliation with the Gretzkys

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The company, Heritage Hockey Sticks, came to Brantford from Hespeler in 2020 and manufactures about 400,000 hockey sticks a year from its 65,000-square-foot Brantford plant.

The mayor said Wayne also gave the city a boost when former Brantford Bulldogs owner Michael Andlauer was looking to move his team out of Hamilton.

“He (Andlauer) had options including Brampton and Cornwall and there was a chorus of voices telling him that the city couldn’t support an OHL team,” Davis said. “He (Andlauer) approached Wayne who told him, without reservations, that going to Brantford would be a terrific move.”

(With files from National Post)

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France recorded significant rise in cyberattacks linked to Paris Olympics

France’s National Agency for the Security of Information Systems (Anssi) reported 4,386 “security events” on computer systems in 2024, an increase of 15 percent from the previous year, according to data revealed on Tuesday.

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During the Paris Olympic Games and the rest of the year, 2024 was marked by a “large number of destabilisation attacks”, noted Anssi in its report entitled Panorama de la cybermenace (Panorama of Cyberthreats), published on Tuesday.

Anssi‘s director Vincent Strubel, told France Inter radio that for example, a pro-Russian group “threatened to attack sewage treatment plants, to pollute the Seine during the Olympic Games”.

He said that these actions were mainly carried out by pro-Russian and pro-Palestinian hacktivist groups, some of which may be affiliated with States,” he said.

Anssi refers to “hacktivist groups with a low level of technicality” but “a strong capacity to publicise their activities.”

In the report Anssi names operators like Cyber ​​Army of Russia Reborn (CARR) and Lulzsec Muslims, who “managed to access management interfaces exposed on the Internet.”

Hackers target Grand Palais Olympics venue and other Paris museums

Strubel says the actions put in place by French authorities to deter the wave of attacks was a success and “no computer attack disrupted the smooth running” of Olympic sporting events.

Anssi says that 4,386 security incidents were reported in 2024, representing 15 percent more than in 2023. 

Of the total, 3,004 concerned abnormal or unexpected behavior on computer systems and 1,361 were labelled as security events where Anssi confirmed that a cyberattack had been detected.

Make an impression

Although a peak was reached in July, the incidents did not all concern the Olympics.

With regards to the other attacks carried out throughout the year, their aim was “to disrupt the functioning of different infrastructures, to make an impression,” Strubel told French news agency AFP.

According to Anssi, these attacks targeted renewable energy production sites, the State Interministerial Network (RIE) and telecom infrastructures.

In its analysis, Anssi noted an increase in attacks targeting IT security tools such as firewalls or VPNs.

France deploys crisis cell to deal with fallout of major cyberattack

“When these devices have vulnerabilities, it’s pretty quickly catastrophic,” Strubel says. “It’s a little troubling to think that we’re buying security equipment that ends up being the gateway for attackers, but beyond that, the reality of the threat and the ability of attackers to seize it is something that concerns us.”

At the same time, ransomware attacks, capable of blocking access to a computer system in exchange for the payment of a ransom, have continued to flourish.

Small and medium-sized companies continue to be the preferred targets: in 2024, they represented 37 percent of ransomware victims, compared to 34 percent the previous year.

Universities and higher education institutions represent 12 percent of these types of ransomware attacks, Anssi reported.

Over the past few years, French President Emmanuel Macron has addressed the issue of cyber security and promised to inject significant funds into readying the country to tackle new threats.

(with newswires)


France moves to bring back village bars in bid to boost rural social lives

French lawmakers on Monday adopted a bill making it easier to open a bar in villages without one, with backers saying it would revive rural socialising, but critics warning of health risks.

France had some 200,000 cafes in 1960, often serving as the social centre of gravity for communities around the country.

By 2015, that number had fallen to just 36,000, with most closures in rural areas, according to a 2017 report from the France Boissons industry body and the CREDOC consumer studies agency.

The new legislation, which would loosen strict restrictions on new bar permits to sell hard liquor, does away with “an old and obsolete legal framework,” said the centrist lawmaker behind the bill, Guillaume Kasbarian.

He and other lawmakers argued the change was needed to bring back cafes and bars to remote countryside areas, thus cementing social ties, boosting local economies and creating jobs.

The drinking spots in question “are, above all, places for people to come together in very rural areas and in a society where people have a tendency to close in on themselves,” one parliamentarian, Fabien Di Filippo, said.

Under French law, a type-4 alcohol licence in a bar or bistro allows the consumption of alcoholic beverages, including those containing more than 18 percent alcohol, such as spirits.

But no new such permit can be created, and aspiring bar managers must often wait until another type-4 bar closes permanently to acquire their licence from them.

The new legislation would allow cafe owners in rural municipalities with less than 3,500 inhabitants that do not already have a type-4 bar to request a brand-new permit instead of waiting for an old one to become free. The local mayor would have the right to approve — or deny — the request.

The measure was adopted nearly unanimously by the French parliament, with 156 lawmakers backing it and just two voting against. It now has to be approved by the Senate.


Additional bar

While the original idea of the bill was to allow just one type-4 bar to open in a village lacking one, an amendment added by the centre-right MoDem party gave municipal authorities the power to approve one additional bar.

It is difficult to estimate how many villages could benefit from the law, but 31,000 out of 35,000 rural municipalities have fewer than 3,500 inhabitants, according to the association of French mayors.

Detractors of the bill fear a rise in alcohol consumption in areas where social services to help people fight addiction are not readily available.

They have questioned why the law needs to allow the consumption of spirits in villages, and why a type-3 licence that allows the selling of beer and wine is not sufficient.


Some lawmakers also expressed concern the new legislation might be broadened in the future to allow bigger villages or towns to authorise more bars selling spirits.

Supporters have said the measure is important to draw residents out of isolation, and that hard liquor is available for sale at nearby supermarkets anyway.

Alcohol causes 49,000 deaths each year, according to the French health ministry’s website.


Greenland's mining industry struggles to take off

Nuuk, March 7, 2025.

Cryolite entered the Greenland election campaign on February 8. On that day, the cultural center in Nuuk, the capital of the autonomous Danish territory, premiered a documentary entitled Greenland’s White Gold, broadcast the following day on the Danish public channel DR. It revealed that, for more than a century, the extraction of this mineral, used in the production of aluminum, and whose only deposit, now depleted, was on the island’s west coast, had earned the equivalent of 400 billion kroner (nearly 54 billion euros) for the company in charge of its extraction and the Danish state. A fortune!

While the figures have since been disputed by Danish economists and the documentary withdrawn from the channel’s platform, Greenlanders saw it as confirmation of the enormous potential nestled in their subsoil, which, if exploited, could lead the territory’s 56,500 inhabitants towards independence. Donald Trump’s desire for the island, which is four times the size of France, has only served to validate this hypothesis.

You have 87.36% of this article left to read. The rest is for subscribers only.


Nigerian National Defense College Delegation Visits Togo’s Revenue Office

A delegation from Nigeria’s National Defense College (NDC) visited the Togolese Revenue Office (OTR) on Wednesday as part of a regional study tour across six African countries, including Togo. The mission aims to deepen understanding of economic and security challenges in the region.

Discussions focused on the OTR’s mandate, its role in Togo’s socio-economic development, and ongoing efforts to combat fraud and illicit trade. The delegation also examined the collaboration between tax authorities and security forces in maintaining economic stability.

Established in 1992, the National Defense College is Nigeria’s premier military training institution, specializing in strategic education for senior officers. Over the years, it has trained numerous military and civilian leaders, including officers from various African nations.

In Togo, the OTR is responsible for mobilizing tax and customs revenues, with a target of 1,208 billion CFA francs for the current fiscal year.

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Photoshop désormais disponible sur iPhone : ce qu’il faut savoir

Le mardi 25 février 2025, Adobe a annoncé le lancement de son application mobile Photoshop. Les utilisateurs iOS auront donc l’amabilité de pouvoir expérimenter la célèbre application de retouche photos. Dans une version presque complète, Photoshop désormais disponible sur iPhone vient s’ajouter aux autres versions du logiciel de graphisme.

L’application Photoshop est accessible sur iOS (iPhone)

La nouvelle application mobile a été conçue pour accueillir une nouvelle génération de passionnés d’images et de design dans l’univers de Photoshop grâce à une interface mobile facile à utiliser.

C’est une nouvelle vision pour Adobe Photoshop qui espère conquérir les amateurs de design amoureux de l’interface mobile. En effet, l’application Photoshop est enfin lancée et ce sont les utilisateurs d’iPhone qui auront la joie de le tester en premier avant ceux d’Android. Adobe dévoile à ses utilisateurs une version mobile de Photoshop améliorée et complète que les versions Express de Photoshop.

Les habitués du logiciel Photoshop retrouveront bien évidemment sur la version mobile certaines fonctionnalités connues du logiciel : les outils de calques, les outils de masque, les capacités de remplissage génératif (Firefly).

Avec une interface totalement différente des versions bureau, Photoshop a fait le tout possible pour s’adapter au design mobile. Comme le dit Adobe, le but est de permettre aux utilisateurs existants de Photoshop d’avoir plus de flexibilité pour modifier leurs créations n’importe où, capturer des images ou se plonger dans des projets personnels, le tout à portée de main.

La prochaine génération de créateurs, ainsi que les professionnels expérimentés qui souhaitent réaliser des œuvres numériques uniques sur mobile, peuvent désormais commencer avec Photoshop plus rapidement et plus facilement que jamais.

Les fonctionnalités de l’application Photoshop désormais disponible sur iPhone

Les fonctionnalités de l'application Photoshop sur mobile (iPhone)
Crédit : Adobe Photoshop

Une application totalement gratuite avec des plans premium, c’est ce que Photoshop a réservé à ses fidèles utilisateurs sur mobile.

Les fonctionnalités disponibles sans abonnement sur l’application :

  • Création d’images et de design grâce aux outils de base de Photoshop (sélections, calques, masques…),
  • Outils de sélection tactile pour la recoloration ou le remplacement d’éléments,
  • Outils avancés de suppression (pinceau de correction),
  • Remplissage génératif et extension générative via Firefly…

Toutefois, Adobe donne la possibilité d’utiliser l’application mobile avec la web app. Ce plan va permettre aux utilisateurs de retrouver les designs créés sur smartphone et disponibles dans le cloud directement sur l’interface desktop de Photoshop dans sa version web.

Le plan Photoshop Mobile et Web propose les fonctionnalités suivantes :

  • Outils précis de sélection et d’ajustement ciblé,
  • Corrections avancées des couleurs,
  • Accès à Firefly avec usage commercial sécurisé,
  • Compatibilité avec tous les formats Photoshop,
  • Intégration fluide entre les expériences mobile et web.

Photoshop sera aussi accessible pour les utilisateurs d’Android au cours de cette même année.


Inondations : le gouvernement fait le point dans le Grand Lomé

(Togo Officiel) – En prévision de la saison des pluies qui est imminente, le gouvernement se mobilise. Une rencontre présidée par le Premier ministre, Victoire Dogbé, a réuni, mardi 4 mars, à la Primature, les ministres, préfets, maires et organes chargés de la gestion des risques. Objectif : faire le bilan des actions mises en œuvre en 2024 dans le cadre du Plan de préparation et de réponse (PPR) aux inondations et définir les mesures à renforcer pour l’année en cours.

Concrètement, dans le Grand Lomé, sur les 38 activités prévues dans le PPR, 37 ont été réalisées, avec un financement de 50 millions FCFA complété par un appui additionnel de 1,69 milliard FCFA. Il s’agit entre autres de l’évaluation des sites d’accueil des sinistrés, l’entretien des équipements d’intervention, l’acquisition de motopompes et de la mise en place d’un dispositif de drainage des eaux. Parallèlement, des campagnes de sensibilisation ont été menées à travers les médias et sur le terrain afin d’inciter les populations à adopter des comportements préventifs.

Des mesures renforcées pour 2025

Pour l’année en cours, 26 nouvelles actions viennent compléter les efforts déjà engagés. Elles portent sur l’intensification des travaux d’assainissement, l’amélioration du matériel d’intervention et le renforcement des activités de sensibilisation. Le curage des caniveaux, le dragage des bassins de rétention et l’installation d’équipements de pompage figurent parmi les priorités identifiées.

Dans cette dynamique, un comité de suivi sera mis en place pour assurer une meilleure coordination des interventions. L’occasion pour la cheffe du gouvernement d’insister sur la nécessité d’une mobilisation et d’une synergie entre tous les acteurs impliqués, notamment l’Agence nationale pour la protection civile (ANPC), l’Agence nationale d’assainissement et de salubrité publique (ANASAP) et l’Agence nationale de la météorologie (ANAMET).

« Nous devons continuer à agir avec anticipation, engagement collectif et réactivité. Des mesures préventives robustes doivent être mises en place pour renforcer la résilience du pays face aux inondations », a indiqué Victoire Dogbé.

Pour rappel, depuis l’an dernier, une étude est en cours pour élaborer un modèle de gestion des inondations dans le Grand Lomé, avec le soutien de la Banque mondiale.


« Les Canadiens sont toujours prêts quand quelqu’un… », le futur Premier ministre du Canada défie déjà Donald Trump 

Le futur Premier ministre du Canada, Mark Carney, est monté au créneau contre Donald Trump, assurant dans un discours offensif que son pays « gagnera » et « ne fera jamais partie des Etats-Unis, de quelque façon que ce soit ».

« Les Canadiens sont toujours prêts quand quelqu’un lance le gant. Que les Américains ne s’y trompent pas. Dans le commerce comme au hockey, le Canada gagnera« , a-t-il lancé dimanche soir, en référence à la rivalité sportive des deux pays, instrumentalisée récemment par Donald Trump.

« Donald Trump attaque les familles, les travailleurs, les entreprises canadiennes, nous n’allons pas le laisser réussir« , a promis Mark Carney, lors de son discours après avoir été triomphalement élu à la tête du parti libéral pour remplacer Justin Trudeau.

Le président américain a lancé une guerre commerciale avec son voisin en imposant des droits de douane sur des produits canadiens et ne cesse de dire qu’il souhaite que le Canada devienne le « 51e Etat américain ».

« Les Américains veulent nos ressources, notre eau, notre terre, notre pays », a-t-il mis en garde, « s’ils devaient réussir ils détruiraient notre façon de vivre« . « Aux Etats-Unis (…), il n’y aura jamais de droit à la langue française« , a-t-il dit dans son discours, passant régulièrement de l’anglais au français. « La joie de vivre, la culture, et la langue française font partie de notre identité« .

L’ancien banquier central de 59 ans, novice en politique, a promis de « bâtir une nouvelle économie et de créer de nouvelles relations commerciales ».

Il deviendra officiellement Premier ministre dans les jours qui viennent après une passation de pouvoir avec Justin Trudeau, qui avait annoncé sa démission début janvier, après près de dix ans au pouvoir.

Carney pourrait cependant ne pas rester en poste très longtemps, puisque le Canada doit organiser des élections au plus tard en octobre.

– Elections –

Dans le centre des congrès de la capitale Ottawa, où de grands drapeaux canadiens ont été installés sous des spots rouges, la couleur du parti, les militants ont exulté à l’annonce des résultats.

Pour Sean Cruz, militant, ce vote est synonyme d’espoir « c’est un bon résultat. Nous avons besoin d’un nouveau visage au gouvernement et d’un nouveau visage au sein du parti ».

Luzminda Longkines, toute de rouge vêtue, se réjouit d’avoir un parti fort face aux conservateurs qui affirment que le « pays est cassé ». « Mais c’est faux et Donald Trump vient d’unir le pays, nous avons maintenant un ennemi commun! »

Dans son discours d’adieu, Justin Trudeau a lui aussi mis en garde le pays estimant que les attaques de Donald Trump représentaient un « défi existentiel ».

Mark Carney, originaire de l’ouest canadien, devra rapidement rassembler son parti en vue des prochaines élections.

« Il est considéré comme le seul candidat qui donne aux libéraux une chance de remporter les prochaines élections« , estime Cameron D. Anderson de l’Université Western Ontario.

– Félicitations internationales –

Jusqu’ici les électeurs canadiens semblaient rejeter des libéraux usés et impopulaires et jugés responsables de la forte inflation, de la crise du logement et des services publics. Mais l’arrivée de Donald Trump a rebattu les cartes politiques.

Économiste sorti à la fois de Harvard aux Etats-Unis et d’Oxford au Royaume-Uni, il a fait fortune en tant que banquier d’affaires chez Goldman Sachs avant de diriger la Banque du Canada puis la Banque d’Angleterre.

Selon un sondage de l’institut Angus Reid publié mercredi, M. Carney est le choix préféré des Canadiens pour affronter M. Trump, avec 43% des personnes interrogées qui le plébiscitent contre 34% pour le chef de file des conservateurs, Pierre Poilievre.

La Chine, qui entretient des relations tumultueuses avec le Canada, a félicité M. Carney, tout en disant « espérer que la partie canadienne pourra garder une vision objective et rationnelle » et « suivre une politique positive et pragmatique » à son égard, selon la déclaration d’un porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères.

Le Premier ministre britannique Keir Starmer se réjouit, lui, de « travailler en étroite collaboration avec lui sur des priorités internationales communes, notamment au sein du G7 ».

 Avec AFP
