API Engineer

Company Description Company is a 2016 Iowa City-born start-up that develops consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Job Description As Marketing Graphic Designer, your

Web Designer

Company Description

Company is a 2016 Iowa City-born start-up that develops consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti.

Job Description

As Marketing Graphic Designer, your primary responsibility is to assist the Marketing and Social Media team with a variety of graphic design tasks ranging from email, ads, print, and website design. You will be responsible to take a set of instructions, or a stated problem, and produce clean, modern design assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products. As part of the process, this person will collaborate with members of the marketing, design and product teams to gain a clear understanding of the campaign expectations, target audience, and product positioning.

The right candidate will possess video production and editing skills. You will work with the marketing and social media team in the video production cycle from pre-production planning through post-production editing (video training available).

For website design, a basic level of coding is required in order to turn designs into live websites.

Key Objectives

  • Assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products.

Primary Areas of Accountability

  • Collaborate with the Marketing Manager to deliver effective, direct response e-mail designs for marketing campaigns
  • Work with stakeholders from sales and marketing to design print materials, including sales brochures and mailers
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team, taking direction on our new website design for corporate and product sites, including writing HTML and CSS
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team to compile the corporate and product family branding style guides (icons, color palettes, etc)
  • Develop design assets for new product launches, including screenshots and icons for app store listings

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Ability to write code – HTML & CSS (SCSS flavor of SASS preferred when writing CSS)
  • Proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, bonus points for familiarity with Sketch (Sketch is our preferred concepting tool)
  • Cross-browser and platform testing as standard practice
  • Experience using Invision a plus
  • Experience in video production a plus or, at a minimum, a willingness to learn

Education + Experience

  • Advanced degree or equivalent experience in graphic and web design
  • 3 or more years of professional design experience
  • Direct response email experience
  • Ecommerce website design experience


Art Director

Company Description Company is a 2016 Iowa City-born start-up that develops consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Job Description As Marketing Graphic Designer, your

Senior UX Designer

Company Description

Company is a 2016 Iowa City-born start-up that develops consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti.

Job Description

As Marketing Graphic Designer, your primary responsibility is to assist the Marketing and Social Media team with a variety of graphic design tasks ranging from email, ads, print, and website design. You will be responsible to take a set of instructions, or a stated problem, and produce clean, modern design assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products. As part of the process, this person will collaborate with members of the marketing, design and product teams to gain a clear understanding of the campaign expectations, target audience, and product positioning.

The right candidate will possess video production and editing skills. You will work with the marketing and social media team in the video production cycle from pre-production planning through post-production editing (video training available).

For website design, a basic level of coding is required in order to turn designs into live websites.

Key Objectives

  • Assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products.

Primary Areas of Accountability

  • Collaborate with the Marketing Manager to deliver effective, direct response e-mail designs for marketing campaigns
  • Work with stakeholders from sales and marketing to design print materials, including sales brochures and mailers
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team, taking direction on our new website design for corporate and product sites, including writing HTML and CSS
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team to compile the corporate and product family branding style guides (icons, color palettes, etc)
  • Develop design assets for new product launches, including screenshots and icons for app store listings

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Ability to write code – HTML & CSS (SCSS flavor of SASS preferred when writing CSS)
  • Proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, bonus points for familiarity with Sketch (Sketch is our preferred concepting tool)
  • Cross-browser and platform testing as standard practice
  • Experience using Invision a plus
  • Experience in video production a plus or, at a minimum, a willingness to learn

Education + Experience

  • Advanced degree or equivalent experience in graphic and web design
  • 3 or more years of professional design experience
  • Direct response email experience
  • Ecommerce website design experience


UX Designer

Company Description

Company is a 2016 Iowa City-born start-up that develops consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti.

Job Description

As Marketing Graphic Designer, your primary responsibility is to assist the Marketing and Social Media team with a variety of graphic design tasks ranging from email, ads, print, and website design. You will be responsible to take a set of instructions, or a stated problem, and produce clean, modern design assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products. As part of the process, this person will collaborate with members of the marketing, design and product teams to gain a clear understanding of the campaign expectations, target audience, and product positioning.

The right candidate will possess video production and editing skills. You will work with the marketing and social media team in the video production cycle from pre-production planning through post-production editing (video training available).

For website design, a basic level of coding is required in order to turn designs into live websites.

Key Objectives

  • Assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products.

Primary Areas of Accountability

  • Collaborate with the Marketing Manager to deliver effective, direct response e-mail designs for marketing campaigns
  • Work with stakeholders from sales and marketing to design print materials, including sales brochures and mailers
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team, taking direction on our new website design for corporate and product sites, including writing HTML and CSS
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team to compile the corporate and product family branding style guides (icons, color palettes, etc)
  • Develop design assets for new product launches, including screenshots and icons for app store listings

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Ability to write code – HTML & CSS (SCSS flavor of SASS preferred when writing CSS)
  • Proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, bonus points for familiarity with Sketch (Sketch is our preferred concepting tool)
  • Cross-browser and platform testing as standard practice
  • Experience using Invision a plus
  • Experience in video production a plus or, at a minimum, a willingness to learn

Education + Experience

  • Advanced degree or equivalent experience in graphic and web design
  • 3 or more years of professional design experience
  • Direct response email experience
  • Ecommerce website design experience


Front End Developer – Digital Arts

Company Description Company is a 2016 Iowa City-born start-up that develops consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti. Job Description As Marketing Graphic Designer, your

Web Designer / Developer

Company Description

Company is a 2016 Iowa City-born start-up that develops consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti.

Job Description

As Marketing Graphic Designer, your primary responsibility is to assist the Marketing and Social Media team with a variety of graphic design tasks ranging from email, ads, print, and website design. You will be responsible to take a set of instructions, or a stated problem, and produce clean, modern design assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products. As part of the process, this person will collaborate with members of the marketing, design and product teams to gain a clear understanding of the campaign expectations, target audience, and product positioning.

The right candidate will possess video production and editing skills. You will work with the marketing and social media team in the video production cycle from pre-production planning through post-production editing (video training available).

For website design, a basic level of coding is required in order to turn designs into live websites.

Key Objectives

  • Assets that are within the brand requirements of our company and our products.

Primary Areas of Accountability

  • Collaborate with the Marketing Manager to deliver effective, direct response e-mail designs for marketing campaigns
  • Work with stakeholders from sales and marketing to design print materials, including sales brochures and mailers
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team, taking direction on our new website design for corporate and product sites, including writing HTML and CSS
  • Work closely with the CMO and in-house design team to compile the corporate and product family branding style guides (icons, color palettes, etc)
  • Develop design assets for new product launches, including screenshots and icons for app store listings

Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

  • Ability to write code – HTML & CSS (SCSS flavor of SASS preferred when writing CSS)
  • Proficient in Photoshop, Illustrator, bonus points for familiarity with Sketch (Sketch is our preferred concepting tool)
  • Cross-browser and platform testing as standard practice
  • Experience using Invision a plus
  • Experience in video production a plus or, at a minimum, a willingness to learn

Education + Experience

  • Advanced degree or equivalent experience in graphic and web design
  • 3 or more years of professional design experience
  • Direct response email experience
  • Ecommerce website design experience


Biologiste (H/F)

Réf :#767270; Pays: Côte d’Ivoire; Type de Contrat: CDI; Secteur d’Activité: Santé / Social; Niveau de Formation: Bac+6 et plus; Expérience réquise: 3 à 5 ans; Rémunération: Salaire fixe; Nbre de Postes: 1; Fin recrutement: 2017-03-29 […]

Business Development (H/F)

Le Poste

Co-fondateur de la maison mre (Sige aux Etats Unis) ou toute autre personne identifie.
Mali (Afrique de l’Ouest)
Candidat de nationalit malienne ou rsidant au Mali


Le Business Developement est charg de dmarrer et dvelopper lactivit de lentreprise au niveau du pays. Il sera le reprsentant de lentreprise au sein du pays. A ct des ses tches principales commerciales et danimation et de management de lquipe commerciale, il aura des tches administratives.


● Faire une tude de march et une tude sectorielle dans le domaine lnergie solaire ;
● Analyser les opportunits pour le dveloppement commercial ;
● laborer et appuyer une stratgie commerciale dans un pays ;
● Assurer la veille stratgique: Comprendre et faire rapport sur les solutions nergtiques actuelles dans les zones rurales;
● Travailler en troite collaboration avec le personnel technique pour dterminer les nouvelles modalits du projet et les solutions optimales de mise en uvre du projet;
● Dvelopperle partenariatavec toutes les compagnies et entreprises complmentaires dans le domaine des nouvelles technologies, de la tlphonie, du transfert dargent, jusqu la signature de conventions ;
● tablir et renforcer des partenariats stratgiques avec les collectivits locales, les autorits locales ;
● Animer une quipe commerciale charge de vendre les produits sur le terrain, avec une fixation dobjectifs prcis et valus ;
● Assurer des tches administratives : dmarchage administrative, comptable et ressources humaines ;
● S’acquitter de toutes autres tches qui sont requises et demandes par lquipe dirigeante du Sige.

Profil du Candidat


● Bac + 04 ou + 05 (Master 2) dans le domaine commercial, business marketing et finance ;
● Minimum 05 ans d’exprience dans un poste similaire ou dans un poste management dune quipe commerciale dans un environnement national ou international ;
● Capacit parler couramment le franais et l’anglais et les langues locales ;
● Bonne matrise de lenvironnement administratif, juridique, comptable et financier dans la zone UEMOA
● Bonne matrise de la gographie du pays et du monde rural ;
● Bonne matrise de la fiscalit locale ;
● Bonne matrise de lenvironnement douanier et des transactions internationales ;
● Bonne capacit de Reporting et rdaction de rapports synthtiques;
● Bonne matrise des logiciels usuels ;
● Bonne exprience en gestion des quipes pluridisciplinaires

Le Dpt de Candidature, la Phase de Slection, les Evaluations et l’Embauche sont TOTALEMENT GRATUITS pour le candidat


Responsable des Ressources Humaines (H/F)

Le Poste

Sous la Responsabilit du Directeur dexploitation / Directeur Gnral, votre principale mission sera de superviser toutes les activits des ressources humaines. A ce titre, vous aurez :

– Assurer la gestion administrative du personnel (dclaration CNPS, Paie, Assurances,);

– laborer et faire voluer les procdures, les supports de suivi et de gestion du personnel de la structure;

– Contrler la conformit d’application des obligations lgales et rglementaires et mettre en place les actions appropries;

– laborer la politique de management des ressources humaines selon les orientations stratgiques de la structure et dfinir les plans d’action;

– Mener les recherches et le recrutement du personnel;

– laborer les contrats, les plannings de congs annuels, la tenue des documents administratifs, la mise jour des effectifs et le suivi des entres et sorties;

– Organiser et coordonner l’valuation de la performance la fin de chaque activit du personnel;

– Concevoir et piloter les oprations lies la gestion des emplois et des comptences;

– Identifier les besoin en formation et tablir le plan de formation annuel du personnel;

– Prparer et mettre jour les reporting relatifs aux activits RH et les interprter;

– Reprsenter l’entreprise auprs des organismes sociaux.

Profil du Candidat

Titulaire d’un BAC+4/5 option Gestion des RH, Management ou quivalent. Vous justifiez de 05 annes minimum d’exprience confirme dans la fonction. Vous avez une exprience avre des mthodes et pratiques de GRH dans le domaine agricole. Vous matrisez le droit du travail .Vous avez d’excellentes capacits managriales. Vous avez une bonne connaissance du pack office, du logiciel de paie SAARI ou quivalent. Vous avez de bonnes connaissances en matire de recrutement, de formation, de performance, de la paie, du code du travail et de la scurit sociale.

Vous tes humble, rigoureux, proactif et autonome. En outre, vous faite preuve de discrtion et de probit.

Le Dpt de Candidature, la Phase de Slection, les Evaluations et l’Embauche sont TOTALEMENT GRATUITS pour le candidat
